Chinese Medicine Traveller

Bridging the World of Ancient Healing

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What is Classical Moxibustion?

Moxibustion has a longer history than acupuncture and has been developed over thousands of years. It is well known and clearly written in the classical text such as Zhen Jiu Da Cheng (针灸大成) the Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, that what every disease acupuncture can not treat moxibustion will surely treat.


Moxibustion commonly called moxa is a treatment therapy used in Chinese medicine by burning an herb called mugwort. This herbal component is know to have the medicinal properties to enter the meridians and dredge them from pathogens to reinstate health and well being. Moxa is often used in China and abroad for various diseases such as joint pain, internal diseases of the gastrointestinal system and respiratory system, gynecological diseases such as uterine fibroids, painful menses and infertility, and various skin diseases and neurological diseases.


In China we often say that acupuncture and moxibustion are the two legs of Chinese medicine. One can not go very far without the other. Please enjoy our moxa master, Dr. Tao describing a deeper understanding and clinical application of moxa for various diseases.



Meet the Teachers

  • Dr. Suzanne Robidoux

    Classical Acupuncture

    Dr. Suzanne Robidoux (苏璇) has been living in China and Taiwan for the last 24 years (since 2000) stu ...

  • Hu Xi shu

    Classical Formula - Jing Fang

    We are very proud to add Hu Xi Shu's biography as he was a leader unlike any other. He had the coura ...

  • Master Sun Zhi Jun

    Ba Gua Zhang Internal Arts

    Sun Zhi jun (孙志君) is the 4th generation representative of Ba Gua Zhang. He received the Chinese Nati ...

  • Dr. Feng Shi lun

    Classical Formula - Jing Fang

    Dr. Feng Shi Lun (冯世纶), is a chief physician at the Ministry of Health Sino-Japan Friendship Hospita ...

  • Master Zhong Dao song

    Health Cultivation

    Master Zhong Dao song (钟道松) entered the daoist temple life when he was 4 years old since his family ...

  • Dr. Tao Kun

    Classical Acupuncture

    Dr. Tao Kun (陶昆) is one of a famous Chinese medical clinician and international speaker of Nanjing. ...

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