CMT Mission
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to the Chinese Medicine Traveller! We are happy to begin this project that was just a dream a year ago. Our mission is to bring a platform for an international Chinese Medicine community to “meet”, connect and exchange ideas and experience in the fields of ancient Chinese medicine, internal martial arts and other ancient practices originally from China, Taiwan and Tibet.
During the last 13 years of living in Asia, I have had the chance to meet wonderful teachers and masters. A lot of these teachers feel it is time to bring these amazing healing knowledge and experiences to the west. These people are truly amazing and their life path is very inspiring. Just knowing them bring inspiration and spark this internal motivation to know more. In the last 6 years of teacher abroad I have met a lot of practitioners in the west that would love to spent a meal or actually learn from these people. This is where CMT comes in. CMT is a place to unite different worlds of medicine and internal arts and make it easy to communicate, exchange, learn and practice together.
It used to be next to impossible to reach these masters and teachers with the language barriers, cultural differences and misunderstandings, and the obvious distance. CMT melt these barriers down and bring these masters to you in video courses, free interviews as well as live seminars where you can ask the questions directly. CMT has also organized various Chinese Medicine Tours or Internal Martial Tours so you can come to Chinese worry free and spend quality time with your teacher. You now have the chance to connect first hand with these amazing teachers, it is up to you.
You can also join our CMT Members directly post your questions about some cases and receive first hand advice on herbs and acupuncture. You can also post your comments and experience or share your interesting cases. I’ve met so many wonderful practitioners around the globe, let’s all meet on CMT.
Looking forward to hear form you!
Meta to all,
Suzanne Robidoux, Ph. D.