Available Now!! Participants who take this course will understand the origin of this Yuan Qi Classical Acupuncture System, have a new understanding of the circulation of the various energies in the body, and learn how to apply this new system with their patients. This network has 60 Yuan qi points that work as doors or keys to access and unblock the circulation of the internal energies. Dr. Robidoux will explain how each point correlates to the different areas of the body, by understanding their connection to the 5 Elements and the Channel Theories. This system has two particular body maps which are the basis of this type of acupuncture. After this course, practitioners will understand how to use these maps to treat their patients according to their symptom manifestations.
* Learn the 60 point locations of the Yuan Qi Classical Acupuncture System
* Understand the Yuan Qi Classical diagnostic Acupuncture System
* Understand the use of the Yuan Qi Classical Acupuncture System to quickly relieve pain and stiffness in the body
0 hrs - 2 hrs: Introduction of the lineage of the Classical Yuan Qi acupuncture and explain the balancing system of the channels.
2 hrs - 3 hrs: Review the Yin channels' location on the body and the areas they reach. Review the Yang channels' location on the body and the areas they reach.
3 hrs - 5 hrs: Teach the elements associated with the different parts of the upper and lower body parts. Explain the treatment protocol and explain a few cases to deepen the understanding.
5 hrs - 7 hrs: Introduce the rules of the Yuan Qi points and learn the localization of the 5 hand Tai Yin points. Learn the localization of the 5 hand Shao yin and Jue Yin points. Watch participants of the live seminar find the points on a partner.
7 hrs - 8 hrs: Learn the localization of the 5 hand Tai yang points. Learn the localization of the 5 hand Shao yang and Yang ming points. Watch participants of the live seminar find the points on a partner.
8 hrs - 9 hrs: Learn the localization of the 5 foot Tai Yin points, the 5 foot Shao yin and Jue Yin points, the 5 foot Tai yang points, the 5 foot Shao yang and Yang ming points and watch participants of the live seminar find the points on a partner.
 This course can accredit 9 CEUs/PDAs points for: California, Florida, IVAS, Standard Certificate, and NCCAOM credits.