Chinese Medicine Traveller

Bridging the World of Ancient Healing

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Master Zhong Dao song

Master Zhong Dao song (钟道松) entered the daoist temple life when he was 4 years old since his family could not raise so many children. As a child in the temple, he received the traditional education and learned the daoist arts from various masters. In his twenties, he specialized in internal and external martial arts practicing Yuan Shi Tai ji, Dragon Cloud Sword form and many other secret daoist forms.

Before Master Zhong moved to the White Cloud Temple in Beijing he lived with his master on Mount Lao for over 20 years learning the art of Yi jing and Chinese medicine. After he moved to the capital he specialized in the mantra reading and calligraphy.

Master Zhong has agreed to share his knowledge on video and teach for CMT. Join us for updates on courses and yearly training.


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