Chinese Medicine Traveller

Bridging the World of Ancient Healing

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  • Product, Course & Shipping Q&A

    Jul 27, 2014 0 comments

    <p><strong>1. What are the course fees covering?</strong></p> &nbsp; <p><em>The course fee covers the course material and course content on the dates advertised.</em> </p> &nbsp; <p><strong>2. What are the regulations for cancellation of courses from Chinese Medicine Traveller?</strong></p> &nbsp; <p><em>We have not had to cancel any courses organised by Chinese Medicine Traveller up to now, but if there is a cancellation of any of our courses the participants will be advised 2 months in advanced. In case the course has been cancelled by Chinese Medicine Traveller, there will be full reimbursement of the course fee. However, we will not be responsible for any travel or hotel fees for the participants.</em></p> </p> &nbsp; <p><strong>3. What are the regulations for participant to cancel their participation to Chinese Medicine Traveller courses?</strong> ...

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  • Shang Han Lun Theory of the Six Layers of Disease

    Oct 20, 2013 0 comments

                           Classical Chinese Medical philosophy views health and disease through “the eight-principle and six-syndrome differentiation” methods. In ancient times, Chinese medical experts identified concurrent symptoms as patterns and associated them with formulas to treat them. Eventually with repeated clinical success they then recorded these patterns as “formula patterns”.  Later, during the Eastern Han Dynasty between 40 to 200 A.D., Zhang Zhong jing recorded all of these clinical experience handed down from generations in the Shang Han Za Bing Lun (Treatise of Cold Complicated Diseases- 伤寒杂病论) which was later edited and separated in the Shang Han Lun (Treatise of Cold Damage- 伤寒论) and the Jin Gui Yao Lue (Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet - 金匮要略).  These classics clearly state the appropriate clinical application of a group of symptoms with corresponding formulas as well as suggest modifications according to the change of the disease.  This medical legacy from Zhang ...

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