Chinese Medicine Traveller

Bridging the World of Ancient Healing

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You Shen Ba Gua Lian Huan Zhang


22 in stock


Ba Gua Zhang is one of the 3 internal martial art styles of China. Also known as You Shen Ba Gua Lian Huan Zhang, this internal martial art was created by Dong Hai Chuan in Beijing during the 19th century. Ba Gua Zhang is widely known for its “circle walking” and its internal circular movements which generate internal power. Practicing Ba Gua Zhang can generate health and clarity of the mind as well as develop effective fighting techniques.


Master Sun Zhi Jun is the 4th generation of this lineage and spent a life time practicing diligently. It is no wonder he has become a national treasure and representative authority of Ba Gua Zhang in 2012. In this book, master Sun describes the essence of this powerful martial art and teaches the basic 8 traditional forms (4 open hands forms and 4 weapons forms) of the Cheng branch of Ba Gua Zhang. This book clearly illustrates each move with over 1000 detailed pictures while the DVD clearly demonstrates the correct sequence of the movements in each form.


Click here for a short youtube clip displaying the features of this book.

Additional information

Weight 0.9 kg
Pub Date




Cover, Page

Soft Cover, 399


Sun Zhi-jun



Dimensions (h x w)

26 x 19 cm


0.9 Kg


People's Medical Publishing House


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